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cum sa faci homemade deodorant

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homemade Deodorant: Does it Really Work?

Here we go; it's a deodorant throwdown.  Don't let the Speed Stick bottle fool's only serving as a useful vessel to hold our natural homemade deodorant.  It's recycling and making your own product in one package.  Okay, so does this stuff work?  This is another favorite item going around Pinterest and on blogs.  I actually heard of this years ago from my niece, but I'll admit, I was highly skeptical.  

So, I came across the recipe on the blog, Homestead Revival (a great blog to check out btw), I was casually telling my husband about it.  He was even more skeptical and resistant to the idea.  I dropped the subject: totally understanding his feelings, but thought I may try it out on one of my teenagers. Well, all these years of being married must have done something, because he went ahead and made his own simple version of it, fairly certain it would be a bust. He just combined baking soda and coconut oil.   Not only was it NOT a bust, he was completely amazed!  He couldn't believe it and made up a small batch to use.  Of course this prompted our 16 year old to try it and try it he did and was in shock.  Well, maybe shock is a little strong, but you get the idea.  He was complaining only the day before how his regular deodorant wasn't strong enough and after using the natural version he was fresh smelling and his clothes were too!  

So amazed was he, that he began to tell his friends about it and THEY were interested.  As a matter of fact, all I heard for days was how great this stuff was.  That's pretty impressive folks.  I mean, to have any product work so well is something to be happy about, but one that is natural and only cost pennies?  This was too good to be true, but it really does work.  I have already been using natural store bought deodorants, so when those run out, I will make up my own batch.  But for now, this stuff is a wonder working product! 

Store bought deodorant completely knocked out of the ring...!
When I would do the laundry before, their shirts would be difficult to wash. The waxes and whatevers in the store bought deodorant not coming clean in the wash.  It would actually hold in the odors in their clothes.  Now, with this all natural version, their clothes smell great and even fresh.  Incredible! 

So save those old deodorant bottles, let them soak overnight in soapy water and you can put your own homemade deodorant in them.  The natural product is much softer and you only need a light application for it to work. It costs literally pennies, much cheaper than any natural product out there AND this one has no chemicals...perfect.

The cons?  Well, remember it's deodorant, not anti-perspirant, so you WILL perspire, but that's a natural function of the body anyway.  We need to sweat to detox, so preventing it is actually hurting us.  It's better to layer a t-shirt under clothing to help with perspiration. 

Here's a basic recipe to get you started.  We changed our formula a bit by adding less oil to make it stiffer to put in the deodorant containers.  It's all depends on you.  The tea tree oil is anti-bacterial; it will help kill the odor causing bacteria and gives it a pine-ish scent.  It's not necessary, but it does help the overall effectiveness of the deodorant. 

Here it is: 

1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup cornstarch
4--6 Tbsp of Coconut Oil (Depending on how stiff you want the product to be)
Tea Tree Oil  (You don't need this to get started, but you'll love it.  Tea Tree oil can be found at Walmart.)

Mix together throughly and put in your container. If you're already using this, pass this review along to others, it's a great product....just ask my teenager!

What are your thoughts on homemade deodorant?  Blessings!

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